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This is Somewhere Kitchen.

Food unites us. It transcends language, borders and beliefs. It draws us to a table of shared understanding and experience. Food can represent country, place and culture like nothing else – centuries of richly textured story told through taste. Somewhere Kitchen celebrates the culinary kinship that binds us together.

What is a meal if not a story? A tale of each ingredient’s origin, an expression of the cook, an insight into the day or even the life of the person who prepared it. Stories are the heart of Somewhere Kitchen. A portal to past adventures, reborn on the plate in the present. We wrap our love of ingredients, flavours and travel in heartfelt writing, chronicling life’s adventures through food.
The foundations of Somewhere Kitchen are grounded in giving back. Everything we do is driven this purpose – to nourish healthy bodies, minds and communities. The proceeds from book sales support social causes close to our heart, such as mental health organizations. We also strive to support, invest and give back to local Indigenous enterprise who grow and produce incredible ingredients. Acting always with respect for the land, the water, the people and culture. Find out more about The Foundation of Somewhere here.
Creativity, experimentation, pursuing the unknown and seeking to understand. For those who love cooking, curiosity is everything. It’s motivation and inspiration, it’s companion and muse, it’s the path that takes us to new and exciting places. Somewhere Kitchen is in a constant state of curiosity – seeking to remind us through stories and food that there is always something fresh to learn, cook and discover.
From hives of local honey, drifting clouds of aromatic spice, or the top knocked off the top of a young coconut, here at Somewhere Kitchen we follow in the footsteps of generations before us and believe that the beauty of the place, should be matched by the beauty on the plate.
– we’re so happy you have found yourself Somewhere.
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